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Jarrod & Rawlins @ Bangkung

March 27, 2012

Jarrod & Rawlins unveiled a Bangsar branch this month, making a prudent play for this neighborhood’s meat-hungry clientele.

The food is reassuringly recognizable, the setting on Jalan Bangkung is perfectly polished; after all these years in the F&B business, these guys know what they’re doing, so sit back & start a satisfying meal with this salad of streaky bacon, scallops & pumpkin seeds.

Fish pie, creamy & comforting. When we wondered what fish was used, our server didn’t need to head to the kitchen to find out. She replied confidently, “Norwegian Emerald fish” (a breed of sustainable farmed tilapia).

Numerous touches kept this meal running smoothly. On the menu, these lamb-&-cranberry sausages with red wine gravy are partnered with mashed potatoes, but when we sought mushy peas instead, our request was met without reservation.

Crucially, everything emerges on the table exactly as ordered. We added this grilled prime tenderloin late in the evening, and again, our server impressed. Without taking notes, even though we also bombarded her with a new wine order, she got all the details right _ medium-rare, with baked potato & chive-horseradish butter.

Complimentary bacon, cooked in multiple ways, such as fried or prepared in brine.

Creme brulee, also on the house (thanks!). Can’t complain about any of the food; everything’s delicious _ not mind-blowing, but still clearly well-prepared.

House sparkling, offered by the bottle & the glass.

Three house reds & three whites are available by the glass (all around RM30).

Tanqueray & Bombay gin & tonic.

Port wine, also possible by the glass. Even though this is a watering hole, families can feel welcome, taking a table at the non-rowdy, non-smoking section.

Roaming around Bangsar, we also stopped at Moo Cow’s latest spin-off at Telawi.

Oops! We gobbled up our fro-yo so fast, we forgot to snap a photo of it. This month’s flavor is Winter Melon, a lovely treat, terrific when topped with melon seeds.

Moving on to see what Les Deux Garcons is selling these days. Can’t help loving the L’aveline _ creamy hazelnut dacquoise cake, topped with noisette praline & berries.

Must have macarons. We thanked heaven for the opportunity to snatch LDG’s sole table indoors, enjoying the air-conditioned comfort while nibbling on vodka lime & capsicum macarons.
Main entry on Les Deux Garcons: November 15, 2011.

Jarrod & Rawlins,
Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
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