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Harley-Davidson & Bruno

November 19, 2011

A top-to-bottom (sort of) eating expedition at KLCC, starting with Harley-Davidson Cafe.

The third-floor view of KLCC’s fountain from Harley-Davidson Cafe is alluring, but the food we tried here was unappealing, liquor was unavailable (OK, that’s probably understandable) & smoking was unrestricted despite the cramped indoor space.

Grilled beef ribs. Almost as tough as leather, with little to offer, flavor-wise.

Charbroiled lamb tenderloin. Gamy & also chewy; far from the best cut around.

Kedondong & pink grapefruit juice.

For dessert, it’s best to flee to KLCC’s concourse for Bruno Gelato.

Four flavors in a large cup for about RM20: white chocolate, hazelnut, biscotti & dolcelatte. Soft, creamy & flavorsome, this is enough to make us feel like kids again.

Bonus place: finally, a short stop at Santini for alfresco dining & drinking.

Valrhona chocolate fondant. Not the most amazing version in town, but acceptable.

Dark rum-laced Jamaican Coffee & Bailey’s Crunch (butterscotch, baileys, milk), both cursed with low liquor content. Alas, Santini’s finest years might be long gone.

Wrapping up with more shots of Harley-Davidson Cafe.

Harley-Davidson Cafe, Bruno Gelato & Santini,
Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

From → Booze, Desserts, KLCC, western

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