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Durian Durian & Tong Pak Fu

October 20, 2011

Suria KLCC’s concourse could soon become a real hub for sugar-seekers, thanks to an array of dessert specialists that are launching on this level.

One kiosk _ Durian Durian _ is a dream come true for fans of this fruit, serving a dizzying selection that includes delightful durian custard puffs, bursting with creamy decadence.

Durian mochi. Chilled satisfaction _ soft to the touch, pleasurably sticky to the bite.

It’s fine to cut the cheese: durian cheese mousse (with a milky smoothness reminiscent of tiramisu) & durian cheesecake (with a freshly baked feel if you buy it in the morning).

Durian pancakes, made to order. A more Western approach to pancakes, less luscious than the paste-packed, pillow-like ones sold at Chinese restaurants & shopping mall outlets.

Durian ice cream. Terrific, thanks to its surprisingly subtle flavor & luxurious texture.

Durian kuih bahulu. If you’re a lover of traditional sponge cakes, you might think this version lacks flair, since it tastes more more mass-produced & commercialized.

Also on this level of KLCC, check out Tong Pak Fu, which hails from Hong Kong & serves Taiwanese shaved ice creations.

There’s more durian here! Tong Pak Fu’s “Durian Snow Ice,” made with Tracka durian pulp, is a delicate, melt-in-the-mouth beauty _ more agreeable than expected. Partnered with grass jelly & sago pearls, this truly is a princely portion.

Warm walnut cream. Alas, this one tastes a little too artificial to recommend.

Soon to come on this floor: Bruno’s Gelato, Candylicious & Garrett Popcorn!

Durian Durian & Tong Pak Fu,
Concourse Level, Suria KLCC, Kuala Lumpur.

From → Desserts, KLCC

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