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My Elephant @ Hartamas

May 13, 2011

After more than three years of brisk business at Section 17, My Elephant recently opened a second Aladdin’s cave of Thai cuisine in another suburban neighborhood.

This branch’s menu seems slightly wider, but we stuck to our longtime Elephant favorites. The duck curry with lychee & dragon fruit was as addictive as always _ a creamy concoction anchored by bountiful slices of tender meat.

Salt-baked fish, boasting marvelously moist flesh. My Elephant’s prices have remained remarkably reasonable over the years _ a boon in this era of soaring costs.

White Thai kangkung with chicken & prawns. Ferociously spicy.

Plenty of rice, potentially sufficient to spur someone to spend hours on the treadmill.

One complaint: no wine is available so far, only beer.

Bookings are essential; the place is packed even on weeknights.

The crowds only leave after 10pm, once the kitchen is closed.

My Elephant,
Jalan Sri Hartamas 8, Taman Sri Hartamas.
Tel: 010-220-1283

From → Booze, Sri Hartamas, thai

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