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May 11, 2011

Coco Tei: Round Two. Earlier entry: May 9.

Mentaiko salad. It’s official: salads in KL are no longer boring. Thanks to the melt-in-the-mouth marinated pollock roe, we relished every spicy, savory bite of this one.

Octopus tempura salad. Another winner, with brilliantly battered baby octopus that was warm and crisp on the outside, sweet and springy within.

This tower of fried squid rings was visually epic but tasted kinda ordinary.

The show-stopper: unagi with omelet. Thick slices of the most flavorsome eel ever, some of them sandwiched inside the fabulously fluffy egg. Heavenly, that’s the word.

Death by fugu? Not so fast. We easily survived our encounter with these dried puffer fish fins _ the perfect bar snack _ to type the tale.

Miso soup means it’s time to go…

…but not before slurping up every last drop of our sake.

No. 5, Jalan Delima, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 1800-88-6655

From → Booze, Imbi, japanese

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