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January 26, 2011

Ovenrun, a Subang-based artisan baking business, now offers bread for health-conscious customers at Ampang’s Little Green Planet, under the same roof as Earth Food.

We had no complaints about the walnut muesli bread & pumpkin bread _ soft, thick slices of fresh-tasting carbs. So good you can even eat it on its own.

Banana bran muffin. One of the least sinful muffins ever, putting all the chocolatey, calorie-laden varieties at other bakeries to shame.

Rye sourdough loaf. Natural and organic ingredients, sans preservatives & additives.

A guilt-free grilled cheese baguette, topped with crisp, vitamin-rich veggies. Who needs Prosperity Burgers? Save the cows (and chickens).

Disclaimer: This post was written by Vegetarian Sean from an alternate universe. Regular programming with omnivorous Sean will resume tomorrow.

Ovenrun @ Little Green Planet,
Earth Family,
12, Persiaran Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 7954-2000

From → Ampang, western

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