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my kitchen: mini-Oreo cheesecakes

December 26, 2008

Merry Christmukkah to everyone- hope you are having a great holiday with your loved ones where ever you are reading from. In Taipei, there is definitely a lot of decorations and trees and lights, but I think it’s still harder to “celebrate” Christmas since most people don’t really get the day off and if everyone has to go to work like any other day, then it’s not really a holiday.

But to go along with my little tree and lights, Costco Christmas cards and holiday plans, I decided to try and bake some Mini-Oreo Cheesecakes for the first time!

I found a few recipes on the web, picked the most basic one (cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, lemon, eggs, Oreos) and tried it out! I grew up eating my mom’s mini cheesecakes w/ Nilla Wafers as the crust, but instead of trying to figure out where I could find those in Taipei, I just used Oreos.

First off, why doesn’t JASON’s Supermarket at 101 or the supermarket at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi not have Philly’s Cream Cheese? Boo!

Second, don’t forget to put a little “water bath” under your cheesecake so it will come out nice and smooth and not crack!

The first attempt, I swirled the oreos inside the cream cheese, didn’t have the cream cheese soften completely, and forgot about the water bath and it doesn’t look as pretty. The second attempt, I left it, added lemon, a bit more sugar, and put the water bath and it definitely does taste moister and look better!

lumpier, but still tasty!

Just twist off the Oreos and use as the base for your cheesecake cupcakes- it’s not as wide as the base, but still works!

surprise at the bottom

If anyone wants the recipe, I can post in detail… now I gotta run to the gym to burn off some the calories from yesterday’s party!

ADDED 12/2010: A little late, but here is the recipe! 🙂


12 Oreo cookies
2 (8 ounce) packages Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
2 eggs
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2/3 cup white sugar

1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2.Line muffin tins with 12 paper baking cups. Place a half of an Oreo in each one.
3.In a medium mixing bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. If cream cheese is not softened, then microwave a little bit before mixing. Add eggs, lemon juice, and sugar. Beat until smooth and thoroughly combined.
4.Fill each baking cup 2/3 full with cream cheese mixture.
5.Bake in preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes. If you can, put a water bath underneath so that the tops don’t brown.
6. Cool cupcakes at room temperature and then in fridge overnight or a few hours. Break up Oreos in pieces to use to decorate on top.

From → dessert, my kitchen

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