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Yummy kebabs, Kashgar, Xinjiang, China

February 25, 2008

Location: Near Id Kah Square, Kashgar, Xinjiang, China (39°28’13.98″N 75°59’10.62″E)
Date: 29 July 2007; 11.20am
Camera: Canon 400D with Sigma 17-70/f2.8-4.5

Xijiang, the westernmost province of China is also her biggest province. The majority of the province is Uighurs (维吾尔) and nearly all Uighurs are Muslims. They are of Turkic descent and like most Central Asians loves their kebabs. Kebabs can be seen cooked and sold everywhere and anywhere in Uighur areas. It is no different in the ancient oasis city of Kashgar ( 喀什) at the western edge of the massive Taklamakan Desert (second biggest desert in the world). Some Chinese (what do they know about kebabs -wink and smile) claim the best kebabs in China are to be had in this city- I personally tasted better ones at a particular stall in Karghilik or Yecheng ((叶城) a small town 250km south of Kashgar.

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