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Lemon Butter Fish

August 1, 2011
Woww…when the last time i update my blog? geesshhh…oh well..first thing first. First i would like to wish to all my muslim reader a blessed Ramadhan al-mubarak. May Allah bless you with happiness & good health.
This 2 weeks are very busy week for me. I just quit my current job to join another company. There is a lot of things to be done before i move to another company. After a long discussion with my superior plus ding..dong..ding..dong with my HR department, i felt relief when everything goes smoothly as i wanted it to be. So left that company, now i’m starting my new chapter with new company today. First day at work…so what do you expect??…booorriiiinnngg..yep yep very boring day. I spent half of my day getting to know my new colleague..which i can’t remember their name by now :). Another half i just read…read…& read again. Nope…not a novel…its a company policies, manual, budget & blah..blah..blah.. Hopefully tomorrow there is something i can do or someone pleeaase give me something to do!!
Ok..stop the i want to share a recipe with you which i get from….no no not get from, get inspired when i ate lunch during my company trip 🙂 here the recipe…
Lemon Butter Fish
  • 2 dory fish fillet, cubed
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Enough oil for pan fry
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp corn flour mix with 2 tbsp water (option)
Cube dory fish fillet, season with salt & pepper.
Over a medium high heat, heat the oil until the pan really smoking hot.
Fry the seasoned dory fish fillet until both side is golden brown. Set aside.
Lower the heat, in the same pan, melt the butter, add lemon juice & stir until its start to boil.
Add corn flour mixture to thicken the sauce & pour over the cooked fish fillet. Serve hot.

From → Seafood

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