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March 12, 2011

Yuzu @ KLCC: Round Two. It’s all about fish, fish & more fish this time.
Earlier entry: February 13.

Salmon sashimi steak with olive oil & plum flakes. A luscious preparation, with a delicate flavor punctuated by brilliant bursts of savory salmon roe.

Oven-baked flounder fish muscle. This textural treat is partly gelatinous, partly meaty, but altogether yummy. Could be the ocean’s version of siew yok, even.

Barbecued Pacific saury. Firm and fleshy, stuffed with spicy roe.

Hamachi carpaccio with olive oil, citrus sauce & crispy fried garlic. The combination of fatty yellowtail with a heavy splash of oil seemed like overkill.

Tuna belly sushi. Marvelous, melt-in-the-mouth mush.

Albacore coated in black sesame seeds. Notable for its pleasantly chewy coarseness (though this is supposed to be a potentially health-threatening fish with a high mercury content).

Grilled mackerel with soft-shell crab, which supplied a nice crunch to a forgettable fish.

Suria KLCC.

From → japanese, KLCC

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